ESL English As A Second Language
Iris Canul
Our Job
We work as a resource with the LEP (Limited English Proficient) students. We have an ongoing collaboration with other ESL teachers in Montgomery County as well as our team teachers at our home base. As the ESL department, we are responsible for providing information to school administrators, homeroom teachers, (EC) exceptional teachers, counselors, and parents regarding placement, services, testing accommodations, etc.
Our Responsibilities
* To administer the W-APT/ACCESS test (initially and/or annually) to students identified as LEP or Language minority student.
*To serve all LEP students, in an inclusion or pull out setting.
* To file Language Proficiency test scores in the ESL students’ folders (ESL history of program participation).
* To monitor all LEP students who have exited the program.
* To attend level meetings (k-5).
LEP Determination and ESL Service Eligibility
The State of North Carolina requires that any student listing a language other than English on the Home Language Survey (HLS) be administered an English language proficiency test. Currently the State uses the WIDA ACCESS Proficiency Test (W-APT), to identify Limited English Proficient Students by assessing English proficiency in the domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. All LEP students must be tested annually on the ACCESS Proficiency Test.
ESL Program Services
All students initially and /or annually determined to be LEP through W-APT or ACCESS assessment will receive ESL services. The type of services provided will be based on grade level and language proficiency level.
Pull Out: LEP students who score Low or Mid in one or more domains may receive direct instruction either one on one, or in a small group setting; in a separate room or in a small area in their homeroom.
Inclusion: all LEP students will receive assistance in their homeroom. This assistance will be provided at any time during the school day and during any class.
Sheltered Instruction: ESL teachers will work collaboratively with homeroom teachers to provide language support in the development of the instructional lessons.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any student whose native or home language is a language other than English who scores:
W-APT Score Identifies Student as LEP
W-APT Score Indicating Student is NOT LEP
Kindergarten 1st Semester
Speaking & Listening
Less than 27
27 or Higher
Kindergarten 2nd Semester
All Four
Listening & Speaking less than 27 or Reading less than 14 or Writing less than 17
Listening and Speaking 27 or Higher and Reading 14 and Writing 17 or Higher
Grade 1
1st Semester
All Four
Listening & Speaking less than 27 or Reading less than 14 or Writing less than 17
Listening and Speaking 27 or Higher and Reading 14 and Writing 17 or Higher
Grade 1
2nd Semester
All Four
Composite less than 5.0 or Any domain less than 5.0
Composite 5.0 or higher and No domain less than 5.0
Grades 2 through 12
1st and 2nd Semester
All Four
Composite less than 5.0 or Any domain less than 5.0
Composite 5.0 or higher and No domain less than 5.0
Most LEP students receive direct instruction through the ESL program, but there are some who waive services due to EC, AIG (Academically and Intellectually Gifted) or other program assistance. Those students are placed on consultative status and therefore do not receive direct services. All LEP students, including those who do not receive direct instruction, must be tested each spring until they “top out”, or “exit” the program based on their scores on the W-APT test .
“LEP” describes a student whose proficiency skills in the English language are limited LEP identification is determined solely by the W-APT/ACCESS test score.
“ESL” describes a language instruction program for students learning English as a second language. ESL services are determined by different factors, therefore, some LEP students may not receive direct ESL services, but they must still be W-APT/ACCESS tested each spring until scoring indicates that the student is NOT LEP (see table above).
Yes. The Reading subtest of the W-APT determines eligibility for LEP testing accommodations for all state tests other than the state writing assessment. If a students scores below level 5 Bridging on the reading subtest of the W-APT, the student is eligible to receive LEP testing accommodations on state tests. State-approved accommodations are allowable on each of the following state tests: the grade 3 pre-test, and the end-of-grade tests. LEP students are eligible to participate in the state designated alternate assessments if scores below level Expanding on the Reading subtest of the W-APT and also meet the requirement for length of enrollment in U.S. schools (less than 24 months from date of initial enrollment in U.S. schools)
Selected ESL Sites
ESL Curriculum/Testing information & Samples
All levels