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     Fitnessgram is a comprehensive fitness assessment battery for youth.  This is the new Fitness Test we are implementing, County wide.  Over the course of 3 years, Montgomery County students will be compared to other counties in North Carolina as to where we rank in our Fitness Levels. It includes a variety of health-related physical fitness tests designed to assess cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.  The fitness components the students are tested on are as follows:  Pacer Run, Back Saver Sit and Reach, Trunk Lift, Flexed Arm Hang, and Curl Ups.
     One of the unique features of the program is that it allows physical education teachers to produce individualized reports for each student in a class.  It is a complete battery of health-related fitness items that are scored using criterion-referenced standards.  These standards are age and gender specific and are established based on how fit children need to be for good health.
     The principal mission of the Fitnessgram program is to promote lifelong physical activity among youth.  The program seeks to develop affective, cognitive, and behavioral components related to participation in regular physical activity in all children and youth, regardless of age, gender, disability, or any other factor.  The Fitnessgram correlates directly with the IsPod program to help In School Prevention of Obesity and Disease.
Photo of student performing Trunk Lift
Photo of student performing Curl Ups
                    Curl-Ups                                            Trunk Lift
Photo of student performing Flexed Arm Hang
Photo of student performing Back Saver Sit and Reach Right leg
    Back-Saver Sit and Reach                                          Flexed Arm Hang
Photo of student performing Trunk Lift
Photo of student performing the Pacer Run
                Pacer Run                                         Trunk Lift